Ronnie (10 out of 10 ) Wow, the script was emmaculate. so many details that were left out of the film. more experiences and creative reptition. It was a real treat to read. I laughed incredously throughout the entire script and almost cried at the end. My favorite parts were when he would improv these extreme dialogue's about the groundhog. anyways, i'm extremely happy I read this script.
Mike (10 out of 10 ) I loved reading this script so much. Groundhog Day is one of my favourite movies, but I think the script may have pulled more emotion out of me than the actual film. The dialogue flows like a knife through butter. I could do with my own Groundhog day so I can learn to write like that! Inspiring work.
Harry (10 out of 10 ) What a script! One of my favourites and one where a really good film doesn’t do a great script justice